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Benefits of investing in Tunisia


To encourage foreign companies to invest in Tunisia, you’ll find hereby the Incentive provided to  totally exporting companies or to investors in the local market:

Totally exporting project

Tax benefits

Total deduction of earnings derived from the operation

Totally exporting companies having filed their investment return before 1 January 2012 and the first export operation takes place before December 31, 2012, can benefit from a deduction of profits arising from the export for the first ten years of operation.

Exemption from registration fees :

Totally exporting Companies re exempt from the payment of registration fees in respect of filing, lease, and minutes acts…


Possibility of selling on the local market, 30% of turnover:

Possibility of selling on the local market: 30% of turnover for industrial goods and agricultural products, along with payment of applicable duty and levies.

The exemption from payment of all taxes and duties:

  • The exemption from quarterly installment (Accompte Prévisionnels):In cases where the turnover is totally export, totally exporting companies are exempt from the payment of installments (which is calculated on the basis of the corporate tax).   
  • Exemption from payment of  housing development fund in favor of employees FOPROLOS and Training Tax (TFP).
  • Exemption from turnover tax (TCL):This is a tax paid on the turnover, from which totally exporting companies are exempt, in case they do not make a local turnover.
  • Exemption or suspension from Value Added Tax (VAT):Totally exporting companies pay VAT on the monthly statement only if they achieve a turnover submitted to local VAT.
  •  Buying in suspension of VAT: After obtaining a certificate issued by the services of the control office, totally exporting companies have the right to purchase goods and services related to the operation.


Exemption from income tax on interest, dividends for non-resident investors

Financial benefits

Investment premium

The export promotion fund provides funding for export transactions, external market research, prospecting new markets, participation in trade shows, publishing catalogs, brochures, etc... and advertising.It is also involved in intangible investments that focus on the development of the export function with components of establishing an export department, a strategy of export training in international trade. This section also covers the development of information media and promotion, web advertising, for example.

The possibility of holding currency bank account

The possibility of having personal accounts, in foreign currency, in Tunisian banks

Possibility of foreign participation up to 100% in capital


Social benefits

Contracts privileged social system:

  • The introductory course in professional life
  • The contract for the integration of graduates of higher education
  • The adaptation contract and employability
  • The contract reintegration into working life
  • The support program for developers of small businesses
  • The employment contract solidarity

 Supporting elements of employment:

Many entities are created to promote investment and support jobs like the National Employment Fund, the background of continuing education, employment offices...